La extracción con condensador implica la eliminación de aire y otros gases no condensables del espacio de vapor de los condensadores de la planta de energía. Estos gases se remueven con el objetivo de mantener la contrapresión más baja posible en la turbina. El equipo que se usa para esta aplicación es crucial para la operación eficiente de las plantas de energía nuclear y combustible fósil.

Solutions For Electric Power

NASH Condenser Exhauster


Hogging: Initial evacuation of the condenser to a pressure of 200 to 400 mbar abs. (6" to 12" Hg abs.) within a defined period of time before applying steam to the condenser.

Holding: Continuous exhausting of the air leakage into the condenser during normal operation in order to optimize the efficiency of the power generation.

The Ideal Solution For Power Generation: 
NASH Two Stage Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump Condenser Exhauster Systems 

NASH Conical Porting Design

To realize a low absolute pressure, two stage liquid ring vacuum pumps are the perfect solution. They offer a low absolute pressure with a small and compact system design. Two stage vacuum pumps work best with water cooled condensers.

Capacity Bonus: You get more capacity and save energy when water vapor is condensed ahead of the NASH liquid ring vacuum pump. This performance bonus is made possible by NASH conical porting. 

Two Stage Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump


Condenser Exhauster Systems Using the Plant's Secondary Cooling Water System

Power plants sometimes use the plant's secondary cooling water for cooling the condenser exhauster system. This means that the cooling water temperature of the condenser exhauster system is higher than the cooling water temperature of the main condenser cooling water, which limits the pump performance. As a solution, an air ejector is added as a first stage to the vacuum pump. Single stage vacuum pump systems with air ejectors can reach very low pressures, irrespective of the cooling water temperature. 

Condenser Exhauster Systems For Air-Cooled Condensers 

The operating pressure of an air-cooled condenser is a function of the air temperature, not the cooling water temperature. The performance characteristics of the liquid ring pump and air-jet package allow it to track the condenser pressure over the entire range of cooling water temperatures.


Concerned About Cavitation? 

Power plants continue to struggle with the changing demand for electric power. When the plant runs at low load, ordinary liquid ring pumps are prone to damage from cavitation, resulting in higher operating costs and shorter pump life.

The upgraded line of NASH TC pumps offers an innovative, patent-pending design that extends pump life by reducing the potential for cavitation damage without affecting capacity or performance. The new design is available on all TC models, and as an aftermarket upgrade to existing NASH TC pumps. Aftermarket upgrades can be performed in any Nash factory service center. The upgraded pump design offers the same fit as your original NASH TC, with only minimal piping changes to your NASH system. External connections are unchanged.