How can we help you?
Outstanding quality, absolute reliability and flawless performance are the main reasons why you invested in a NASH pump in the first place. Protect your investment and ensure its long-lasting value by using NASH Certified ServiceTM for ongoing maintenance, emergency and planned repairs, and OEM vacuum pump parts.
Backed by more than 100 years of experience in liquid ring technology, our certified team of service professionals has got you covered. We are your trusted partner for vacuum pump repair service and maintenance. Our expertise is not limited to NASH pumps and parts, but also extends to any liquid ring product including ones manufactured by our competitors.
We provide our customers with a comprehensive portfolio of aftermarket solutions. Our services and products range from routine maintenance, repairs and troubleshooting, and genuine OEM parts, to equipment remanufacturing and upgrades, and tailored service agreements. NASH Certified ServiceTM brings you:
With its network of service centers, Nash has a unique service organization that is fully committed to making your vital processes run smoothly and keeping downtime at your plant to an absolute minimum. Returning your unit to service within the shortest possible period of time is always the top priority for us.
Our service centers are staffed by an experienced team of technicians, CNC machinists, manufacturing engineers and support professionals. They provide a full range of services and support for Nash and other liquid ring products, including repairs and rebuilds of pumps, compressors and engineered systems.
Among the services that we provide at our centers are:
To learn more about Nash service centers, click on the link below!
Nash’s factory-trained field service experts support customers in a broad range of on-site maintenance operations to help with equipment inspections, repairs and optimizations. We work with you on choosing the appropriate time for site visits to minimize or eliminate any negative impact on your processes. Our field services include:
Make the most of our pumps by making sure that their legendary reliability stays at the same high level for many years. By using Nash Certified ServiceTM you get access to genuine OEM parts and spares that are engineered to meet the highest industry and quality standards. You also obtain the latest performance upgrades and improvements.
The benefits of using Nash genuine spare parts include:
We manufacture and stock parts for all pump models that are currently in operation, irrespective of their production year.
A liquid ring pump that is losing its performance can often be reconditioned so that it performs almost like a new model. Nash offers pump exchange, remanufacturing and repair programs which enable our customers to ensure optimum equipment efficiency, reduce operational downtime and save costs. Their benefits include:
We analyze the changing market trends and process requirements, and take advantage of new technologies to offer solutions which further improve our pumps’ reliability and efficiency, and help customers optimize their energy costs.
Our offer includes material upgrades such as stainless steel and ceramic coatings and linings for better protection against mechanical and chemical wear resulting in an extended pump service life. For their part, Nash’s pump cleaning services ensure limescale deposit removal, leading to improved flow and reduced energy consumption.
Nash pumps are renowned for their smooth operation that can last for decades. Nevertheless, when problems do arise our customers can make use of our maintenance tips for a range of common equipment failures. Our unrivalled troubleshooting skills will help them to solve even the most complex issues.
Regular pump service allows you to improve the performance and efficiency of your equipment, as well as to properly manage your operating costs. Nash offers tailored service agreements designed to meet specific customer needs that offer flexible plans for equipment maintenance and repair. Within their scope, the following services are included: