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Nash has multiple ISO certificates, issued by different institutions worldwide. We continuously extend our quality leadership by optimizing our internal processes.
We continually optimize our management systems to supply our customers with high-quality products, services, and solutions tailored to their individual needs.
Additionally, Nash adheres to environmental health and safety management systems to help protect our environment and employees. Nash sets environmental goals and objectives to reduce or eliminate our impact on the environment. These standards also uphold employee engagement by encompassing standard practices to ensure a safe and productive work environment by focusing on risk elimination.
The fulfillment of this target naturally includes certification under ISO 9001:2015, and ATEX (Directive 94/9/EC). These certificates can be accessed through our e-Library, or by contacting the Nash corporate headquarters.
ATEX is an abbreviation for 'Atmosphères Explosifs', and consists of two EU directives concerned with equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. These two directives are The ATEX Manufacturers Directive 94/9/EC and The ATEX User Directive 92/99/EC.
The potential hazards include gasses, vapors, mists and dusts. These directives apply across the whole of the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA), and have been adopted into law in each of the member states. These directives are intended to harmonize regulations across Europe, in order to remove barriers to trade, and to ensure a very high level of safety.
An International Organization of Standardization. This voluntary, nontreaty organization was founded in 1946, and is responsible for creating international standards in many areas, including computers and communications. Its members are the national standards organizations of 89 countries, including the American National Standards Institute.
American Society for Testing and Materials. Organized in 1898, ASTM International is one of the largest voluntary standards development organizations in the world. ASTM Intl. is a not-for-profit organization that provides a forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services. More than 20,000 members representing producers, users, ultimate consumers, and representatives of government and academia develop documents that serve as a basis for manufacturing, procurement, and regulatory activities
American Petroleum Institute. The API mission is to influence public policy in support of a strong, viable U.S. oil and natural gas industry essential to meet the energy needs of consumers in an efficient, environmentally responsible mannerAs the U.S. oil and natural gas industry's primary trade association, API:
API also provides the opportunity for standards development, technical cooperation and other activities to improve the industry's competitiveness through sponsorship of self-supporting programs.
Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, today ASME International is a nonprofit educational and technical organization serving a worldwide membership of 125,000.
Pneurop provides a forum, a focal point and a funnel for the several diverse manufacturers' interests and consideration of the broad user interests in compressed air, vacuum and pneumatics as well as allied equipment. Membership provides access to European legislators and detailed guidance and understanding of directives affecting the compressed air industry.
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) is an independent, not-for-profit product-safety testing and certification organization. UL has tested products for public safety for more than a century. Since its founding in 1894, UL has held the undisputed reputation as a leader in product-safety testing and certification within the United States. Building on its household name, UL is becoming one of the most recognized, reputable conformity assessment providers in the world. Today, UL's services extend to helping companies achieve global acceptance, whether for an electrical device, a programmable system, or an organization's quality process.
The Heat Exchange Institute (HEI) is a non-profit trade association committed to the technical advancement, promotion and understanding of a broad range of utility and industrial-scale heat exchange and vacuum apparatus.
The Institute concentrates its efforts on the manufacturing and engineering aspects of steam surface condensers, closed feedwater heaters, power plant heat exchangers, liquid ring vacuum pumps, steam jet ejectors and deaerators.